
How Can We Automatically Sync Google Ads Reports to BigQuery and Visualize Them in Tableau ?

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Google Ads, previously known as Google AdWords, offers the opportunity to advertise on Google Search , Google Display , YouTube and newly launched PMax for multiple ads deployments through various channels. Through detailed configuration—like selecting specific keywords and scheduling ad display times—you can target your ads with precision. The appeal of Google Ads lies in its flexibility, as there is no mandatory contract duration, and spending can be adjusted according to your budget. Also each type of ads come in with specific advantages and purposes so it is very important to track the performance of all the advertisements and evaluate the results.

While Google Ads provides a dashboard for monitoring ad performance, deeper analysis or integration with additional data, such as sales figures, calls for data processing on a larger scale. Here, utilizing a Data Warehouse (DWH) for integration and visualizing with Business Intelligence (BI) tools becomes advantageous as you can monitor and evaluate various campaigns performance and results at once.

However, integrating data into a DWH, creating dashboards with BI tools, and managing these systems demand a high level of expertise. Advanced data analysis can be a significant challenge for companies lacking this expertise. To address this, we will employ a data integration service for analytical platforms, Trocco®, to consolidate Google Ads data into Google BigQuery and then visualize it using a BI tool like Tableau.

For this initiative, data transfer is the chosen method. Trocco® supports a wide array of data sources, including advertising platforms, CRM systems, and databases.


Our aim is to transfer Google Ads data, such as ad impressions, to Google BigQuery, create graphs from this data, and visualize ad performance. This process, including settings configuration, requires no coding, and the data, as well as the graphs, will be updated automatically.

To Whom Does it Benefit?

  • Marketers seeking to analyze Google Ads performance more comprehensively for strategic planning.
  • Those looking to examine Google Ads data in conjunction with other datasets.
  • Teams already analyze Google Ads data but require manual updates for the latest information.
  • Individuals without SQL or API expertise who wish to analyze data.

Lets Understand How Setting Up in Trocco® Works:

1-0. Preliminary Steps:

You'll need a trocco® account for data transfer. Trocco® offers a free plan, which you can sign up for in advance with us. Next you have to prepare your Google Ads data, a Google account with BigQuery console access, and a Tableau account for visualization.

1-1. Source and Destination Selection:

Navigate to trocco® and click "Create Transfer Settings" on the dashboard. You'll be prompted to select the source and destination for the data transfer. This time, we'll choose "Google Ads" as the source and "Google BigQuery" as the destination.

2-1. Transfer Settings from Google Ads:

Start by linking your Google Ads account. A new tab will open to enter your connection information. Save this data, including the linkage to your Google account.

Back on the transfer settings page, load the information you've saved. Select the resource type (report settings) and set custom variables. You can load a report template that corresponds to the selected report type for ease of use.

2-2. Transfer Settings to Google BigQuery:

Similarly, establish a connection for Google BigQuery. Create the necessary project, dataset, and table in BigQuery beforehand. Enter the required transfer information like the dataset name and destination table.

2-3. Data Preview and Advanced Settings:

Review the data transfer preview based on your inputs. If no preview is generated, recheck your settings. Once successful, you can proceed to the confirmation screen and adjust settings for data processing, like masking and column selection.

2-4. Review and Apply:

Examine the transfer settings. Any changes made will be highlighted for verification. Save and apply your settings, noting any changes for team reference.

2-5. Scheduling and Notifications:

Set up a transfer schedule under the "Schedule/Trigger Settings" tab. You can automate data transfer to run regularly—daily at midnight, for example.

2-7. Launching the Data Transfer Job:

Although data transfer will occur automatically based on the schedule, you can also initiate it manually. Run the job and, once complete, you’ll find the data successfully transferred in Google BigQuery.

4. Visualizing with Tableau:

To visualize the data, start a new Tableau workbook and connect to Google BigQuery. Arrange the loaded columns into rows and columns to create your graph. Select from pre-prepared graph styles to finalize your dashboard.


We've successfully integrated Google Ads data into Google BigQuery and visualized it with Tableau. Thanks to trocco®'s "schedule/trigger function," newly collected Google Ads data will consistently update in Google BigQuery, and the Tableau dashboard will reflect these changes automatically.

While we've used simple sample data here, trocco®'s capabilities allow for the high-speed processing of massive datasets. Most importantly, we achieved visualization and automation solely through on-screen configurations without any coding. Trocco® is a versatile SaaS that facilitates the building and operation of analytical infrastructure. Click here to get a free trail now!

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