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Useful Resources

Introducing the steps to build a data catalog!

Data is a vital asset in a modern business, and companies need effective data management and utilization to stay competitive. However, many organizations and businesses face various data-related challenges, such as lack of data visibility and difficulty in using data, making it difficult to put data to practical use.
Success Stories

Lets hear how we help our customers to improve their data-to-decisions lifecycle

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3 man months plus 30% increase in CVR using TROCCO.

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Company Aims for 100 billion yen by 2030 using TROCCO.

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Helping easy data movements form Google Analytics 360 to AWS S3.

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White papers

Empower Your Business with Trocco


Manage subscribers with Resend


Manage subscribers with Resend


Manage subscribers with Resend

TROCCO is trusted partner and certified with several Hyper Scalers