Company Aims for 100 billion yen by 2030 using TROCCO.

Real Estate SHOP Nakajitsu Co., Ltd., head quartered in Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture, operates in the real estate industry with a diverse range of services, including real estate consulting, renovation, new building sales, property purchases, and insurance agency businesses.

About Real Estate Company Nakajitsu Co.,Ltd.:

  • Located in Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture, with 30 stores in Chiba and Fukuoka (as of December 1, 2021).
  • Sales have grown for 12 consecutive years, reaching 23.8 billion yen in 2020.
  • Actively investing in IT promotion and Digital Transformation with in-house developed CRM and SFA, and introduced trocco® in 2020.

Challenges Faced

Challenges Faced:

The company's rapid growth necessitated an investment in IT promotionand digital transformation (DX). Despite having developed in-house CRM(customer management tool) and SFA (sales support tool), the data was scattered across different systems, impeding efficient management decision-making. The company faced the challenge of not being able to utilize the accumulated customer data and transaction data effectively. The data couldn't be analyzed in real-time, which slowed down the pace of management decision-making. Additionally, there was a lack of resources and know-how to integrate and organize the data comprehensively.

  • Inability to utilize accumulated customer and transaction data.
  • Lack of real-time data analysis, slowing down management decision-making.
  • No resources or know-how to integrate and organize data comprehensively.

Objective of the Initiative

Objective of the Initiative:

The aim was to organize past data and build a system to collect data into Big Query DWH (Data Warehouse), creating an environment where ad hoc analysis could be performed without the use of SQL. This would allow sales personnel to view performance data at any time across all stores, thereby enhancing operational efficiency and decision-making. To summarize, we can say the objectives were :

  • Organize past data and establish a system to collect data into BigQueryDWH.
  • Enable ad hoc analysis without using SQL.
  • Allow sales personnel across all stores to view performance data anytime.

Solution: Introduction of trocco®

Solution: Introduction of trocco®:

Real Estate SHOP Nakajitsu decided to introduce "trocco®", adata integration tool, to resolve these challenges. The decision to choose trocco® was largely influenced by the support system offered for the initiative, including consulting support tailored to trocco®, which was crucial given the lack of in-house developers with data mart expertise.

Implementation Process

Implementation Process:

The data analysis platform was built within four months with support through the solution services of prime Number. The process involved organizing requirements, considering policies, migrating data, designing and constructing the data mart, and creating and verifying reports. During this period, the company focused on ensuring that the data mart was designed to be as centrally managed as possible to avoid discrepancies and redundancy in data.

Post-Implementation Effects

Post-Implementation Effects:

The introduction of trocco® led to significant improvements. Analysis tasks that previously took 10 business days were reduced to 4 business days. Management and branch managers were able to delver deeper into more detailed data, gaining better insights into sales performance and operational efficiency. Additionally, the company started using data in the construction department for more efficient planning and progress monitoring.

  • Deeper data analysis leads to more data-driven decisions in sales performance reviews.
  • Increased data analysis speed allows for more thorough analysis and frees up resources.
  • The usage of data extends beyond sales to the construction department for more efficient planning.

Future Prospects

Future Prospects:

Looking ahead, The company is focusing on using data to enhance sales activities and increase the value provided to customers. The company plans to expand from Aichi to the rest of Japan, aiming for 100 stores and sales of 100 billion yen by 2030. The use of data in improving customer experiences is also a key objective, with the company aiming to provide better property proposals based on past transaction data.

  • Data is key to improving sales activities and increasing customer value.
  • Plan to expand from Aichi to nation wide with a goal of 100 stores and sales of 100 billion yen by 2030.
  • Use of data to provide better property proposals matching customer needs.
  • Advice for companies struggling with data utilization: Consult experts on data organization, analysis, and utilization.

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